How To Improve Communications in Your Community

Improving communications in your community is so important these days. With so many different platforms and avenues for communication, sometimes things get lost in translation. As one of the top community association property management teams in South Florida, Seacrest Services knows all too well that clear and effective communication between all parties, from property management, to associations and boards, as well as to residents, it makes a difference in the overall well-being of any community. It’s no secret that open and honest communication in any relationship creates transparency, therefore facilitating a feeling of community. This is an invaluable asset to any board or association, and is certainly something that Seacrest Services places as a high priority.

Our innovative, proactive approach to community association property management keeps Seacrest Services on the leading edge of our industry, and allows us to provide the highest level of service to your association. Our Total Quality Management System provides an effective and successful mode of communication with a proven track record of success. We care about our communities and their overall well-being. A huge part of this is through improved communications!

Miscommunications can wreak havoc to the proper functioning of an association and community, especially when it comes to important matters – like your association budget! Poor communication tactics and protocols, or none at all, are a real problem facing some poorly managed properties, which can negatively impact your community’s reputation and even your operating budget and property values. Clear messaging directly from the board, and consistent places and avenues for communication will avoid miscommunication for most community matters – from the mundane to the extremely important. Are you using all available resources and channels for communication? In today’s world, managing properties effectively is made so much easier with all of the many modes of communication for associations and communities. You can use a group Email, weekly or monthly newsletters by mail or email, billing statements, announcements at board or association meetings, and reminders in flyers, social media, and resident alerts. There are even proprietary mass communication platforms that many of the best property management companies use to help facilitate and foster an environment of improved and consistent communication.

Seacrest Services: Effective Communication

So why is effective communication so important to associations and your boards? One of the most important reasons for improving communications is the trust of residents. They want to know that the association fees they are paying are being properly used in every way, including the betterment for everyone who lives in the community.

If you want to avoid confusion in your association and improve communication in your community, there are things you can and should do. For starters, if residents aren’t hearing pertinent information directly from you on a consistent basis, in a consistent forum, they will likely fill in the blanks on their own. This often leads incomplete or just plain old incorrect information circulating.

Now might be a good time to ask yourself if your community is always aware of things like:

  • Upcoming events
  • Scheduled construction projects
  • The next board meetings
  • Responsibilities and policies

Although you can try to plan and be prepared and organized, there will always be unexpected things that come up on a monthly basis. For most residents, the rules and regulations need to be reiterated regularly because, as with all of our busy lives, residents tend to forget or perhaps haven’t been made aware of them. There are some of our communities that notice things arising, like a higher than normal resident turnover, allowing a great opportunity to send communications reminding everyone of regulations, protocol, and policies that need to be followed. If you see an increase in community and association violations, especially those that impact the community’s overall aesthetics and well-being, it is the perfect opportunity to improve your communications before it causes property values to decline.

Seacrest Services: Helping to Improve Property Management and Communication

Seacrest Services is a full-service property management company proving professional management, accounting, landscaping, construction and building maintenance, and painting services to condominium and homeowner’s associations in South Florida throughout Martin, Palm Beach and Broward Counties. It is our mission to bring outstanding services – including effective and improved communication strategies – to help with overall organization. Our ever-growing and new and improved techniques and technologies will continue to place Seacrest Services at the forefront of the property management community, highlighting us as one of the best!

For more questions on how to improve communications in your community, please call Seacrest Services directly today. We will happily work with you to provide an environment that will keep your residents at your property for many years to come. Seacrest Services is your one-stop-shop for any and all of your community association property management needs.

How to Manage Short-Term Vacation Rental Violations

It’s coming up on that time when travelers from the northern United States and foreign countries look forward to escaping to South Florida for a short-term vacation, escaping cold weather destinations during Fall and Winter months. Many homeowner associations are struggling with short-term rentals in their community, as many homeowners are using certain online providers to rent out their homes for very short periods of time. This can sometimes be the high turnover of nightly rentals.

The Florida Supreme Court addressed this issue in the 2002 Landmark Decision of Woodside Village Condominium Association v. Jahren, when the Florida Supreme Court found in favor for the association, ruling that when condo owners buy their home or units, they are on notice that the contract that spells out their legal rights (the declaration of condominium) can be amended by the vote specified therein. In these situations, the board is most often granted the authority for administrative details of rentals in each community where rentals are subject to association regulation.

Last year, Miami Beach in rolled out a strict new law designed to prevent widespread illegal rentals, requiring online platforms to list specific business license information on their sites. As you can imagine, this was a decision that was sharply criticized by Airbnb and the other short-term rental platforms that were allowing the rentals to happen in zoning districts that are patently illegal. Rental restrictions for a homeowner’s association are most commonly found in the declaration of covenants. Most declarations of covenants can only be amended by the approval of the owners, and the approval of a super-majority is required, with a percentage of the owners being the most common thresholds for amendments.

Community Association Rules: No More Short-Term Vacation Rentals

Tourists visiting South Florida appreciate the ease of a turnkey situation, the cheaper daily rates, and accountability of reviews that comes with the sharing economy of short-term vacation rentals. In almost every case, these South Florida vacation renters book a stay without necessarily even knowing that many of the associations governing South Florida’s condominiums and communities outlaw such short-term rentals. That can create awkward situations where tourists show up to a condo building with suitcases after traveling long distances, only to be turned away by security with nowhere else to go. Because of this, there are several South Florida developers that are recognizing the increasing demand for short-term vacation rentals – and specifically tailoring their new projects for such uses in neighborhoods and communities where they are allowed. In combination with the continued efforts of associations to get rid of illegal, short-term rentals, we are hopeful for the future where there won’t be visitors stranded with their suitcases and a ruined vacation in front of our properties.

Seacrest Services: Expert Association Management

The reality of illegal, short-term vacation rentals by owners or tenants at condo or community properties can be extremely damaging to the other owners and even the association. The practicalities are that there are safety concerns that come with a group of strangers staying at an association building for even a day or two; they often end up getting intoxicated, using building amenities, playing loud music at all hours, and throwing parties with even more non-residents. In these situations, owners can face financial repercussions if their building becomes known for excessive short-term rentals. The trickle-down effects of these repercussions could mean that it becomes more difficult to refinance a unit or obtain lines of credit. Even resale values can take a major hit, as realtors are inclined to steer prospective buyers away from communities that have the reputation of strangers coming and going.

Many associations are hiring counselors to review or amend their bylaws to ensure that the illegality of short-term rentals is explicitly addressed. They can also rely on the expertise of an association management company like Seacrest Services to root out and stop the violations. There are measures that can be taken, including:

  • Train staff so they know what key signs to look for, which can mean visitors with suitcases and people walking around aimlessly because they do not know where anything in the building is. It is perfectly acceptable for you to make sure that anyone who enters the lobby or courtyard of a building is asked who they are there to see. Through a combination of monitoring and training, most short-term vacation rental violations can be eliminated in just a few months.
  • Take written action with a cease and desist letter for those homeowners or tenants who use any rental platform to make out a profit or cover expenses. Most times, the threat of legal action requiring defense counsel is enough to get them to cease or take the short-term renting elsewhere.

In any situation that arises, Seacrest Services is here to provide the best community association property management services and to protect your reputation. We see it as highly successful to make public the efforts to eliminate short-term renting to the point that buildings and properties become known for being particularly unfriendly and unaccepting of the short-term rental violations.

At Seacrest Services of South Florida, we offer concierge community services and full-service property management to homeowner associations and boards. It is our mission to maximize and elevate your property values so that residents can enjoy the inspired lifestyle enjoyed by successful property owners in south Florida. We offer unparalleled levels of service and expertise, with a focus on building long-lasting relationships with our valued HOAs and boards who also share our vision and commitment to excellence.

Managing Invasive Wildlife in South Florida Communities

At Seacrest Services, we have found that community association management in South Florida brings up all kinds of interesting and unique situations. There have been many articles written recently about the consequences of the increasing invasive wildlife in South Florida communities. This invasive wildlife is comprised of species that are not native to our South Florida location, and typically spread diseases and damage the environment. For many of these critters, since they have no natural predators here in South Florida, the only population controls that they face are cold temperatures or pest control methods.

When you are looking for the best community association property management company near you in South Florida, you are virtually searching for a local property management business with local knowledge, local know-how, and local expertise. Seacrest Services is your ultimate choice for a local property management company serving Stuart that is supported by successful systems and processes that have developed for over 40 years! When it comes to managing invasive wildlife in South Florida communities, we want to make sure that residents and associations stay informed. Precautions should always be taken when managing invasive wildlife, whether you have elected to remove the invasive critters from your property by yourself, by hiring a professional, or not at all.

South Florida’s may not be Jurassic Park yet, but it’s getting kind of close. Some experts say that packs of green iguanas may be at record numbers as they swarm seawalls, roam community yards and community parks, and leave a path of destruction and filth in their wake. There are more than five hundred different non-indigenous or non-native wildlife – including fish and plant species – that live and thrive in South Florida. These exotic and foreign creatures and vegetation can threaten native species and cause serious economic damage, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).

From these wild, green iguanas to Burmese Pythons or lionfish and air potato vines, there must be some control taken for communities and residents to feel safe. Right now, the invasive green lizards are out of control, with as many as hundreds of thousands creeping and crawling around Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach Counties. Unfortunately, green iguanas can potentially live up to ten years, laying dozens of eggs at a time, which is why the population issue has grown so out of control. One of the ways in which these green iguanas are affecting our community association properties is that they also tend to destroy landscaping, gardens, damage infrastructure, and leave their droppings everywhere with potentially harmful diseases, such as Salmonella.

Finding Solutions with Seacrest Services Community Property Management

It seems that because of record heat levels this summer, the only viable option is to control the green iguana population. In fact, The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) announced an open season on these green iguanas, stating that community homeowners are allowed to eliminate these iguanas on their own properties without a permit, as well as on 22 public lands in South Florida.

Some of the stories of invasive wildlife in South Florida seem almost too surreal to be true; there has been a colony of Vervet Monkeys who live near the Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood airport for many years. These swinging critters pose a definite threat to our health and safety, as wild primates carry diseases, such as herpes B. There are solutions to these animal invasions as well, and things can be done according to the FWC; for example not feeding these wild monkeys is a good start!

Our professional landscaping teams know all too well about the invasive air potato vine, which is an aggressive weed that tends to smother other vegetation in our South Florida community gardens, yards, and properties. But even this invasion has a solution with the experts from Seacrest Services, and recently small leaf beetles seem to be helping to control these noxious property invaders!

From complete community associate property management services and professional accounting services, to the best landscaping and property maintenance in South Florida, Seacrest Services can tailor a specific plan for your community association or commercial property, no matter how unique the situation!

As one of the top property management companies located in Stuart, we can promise your association that we will keep your property looking its best and functioning seamlessly and safely throughout the year, with our dedicated team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals. Call today to find out more about why Seacrest Services offers the most trusted property management services in Stuart.

Preparing Your Community for Hurricane Season

As South Florida residents are bracing for a potential hurricane, at Seacrest Services, we like to make sure that we have done all we can to minimize the damage to community properties and speed up your community’s return to normalcy.

At Seacrest Services of West Palm Beach, we are grounded in years of successful community association property management experience, and like to keep high-quality projects on track with the perfect end goal in mind. The Seacrest Services team can ensure our valued communities that the right equipment, tools, staff, and materials will be onsite when they are needed, and that all of our properties and communities are well-prepared for things like hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters.

Is your community and property ready and safe for the pending hurricanes during hurricane season? We can help you to be even more proactive to prepare for the effects of a natural disaster and to stay safe and organized throughout the rest of the hurricane summer season. Even though community association management during the summer months typically entails the need for more air conditioning maintenance, problematic mosquitoes, and other pests, it also means being ready for hurricane warnings. When it comes to property management, this is a very important time for proactive preparation, checking properties, and continuing with maintenance and repair “To-Do” lists.

If you are wondering what to do to prepare for the potential hurricane, there are things you can do immediately, such as going over policies, insurance, and home inventories, which are vitally important. You can also:

1) Document the conditions and prepare properties for any storm or hurricane by photographing and/or filming all of the main public property areas. Take photos with the date stamp of everything in lobbies and common areas, and make sure there are digital copies of any important documents stored in several computers and devices.

2) Create a plan for buildings to close down, and an immediate To-Do list, such as:

  • Turn off pool pumps
  • Move elevators to a higher floor so they don’t get flooded
  • Plan to inform residents of any building closures
  • Distribute an evacuation plan

 3) Give your association a list of disaster essentials for their residents to have ready, such as: a Social Security Card, passport, credit cards, proof of residency (electric bill or driver’s license), insurance policies, prescriptions, photos of their units, water, food, gasoline, propane, candles, and if possible, an operational, well-maintained generator.

There are many other things to do to be well-prepared for the event of a hurricane or storm in South Florida. It’s not just hurricanes that require an efficient disaster protocol; remember that floods can also devastate communities anywhere, because floods are not only isolated to coastal areas or flood zones.

Seacrest Services Protocol for an Extreme Weather Event: Hurricane Clean Up

Wherever you are in South Florida, at Seacrest Services, we like to think of our clients as partners. A strong work ethic that honors commitment can be hard to find in the world of property management in South Florida. Community property managers are responsible for the safety and comfort of the communities they serve, providing important skills and expertise that are essential to the successful management of associations. Part of our successful management entails having protocols for extreme weather event clean up.

There are three phases of extreme weather event cleanup with Seacrest Services, and our community associations provide pre-approval and work authorizations to allow for a seamless process. Phase one is the initial cleanup:

  • Seacrest Services will comply and abide by all the local, state, and federal government laws.
  • Seacrest Services will provide the necessary labor, tools, insurance equipment, and any vehicles that are required to clean and stack debris that may block community entrances and roadways.
  • Seacrest Services will remove trees from walkways, buildings, and automobiles, as directed by the Board of Directors or an authorized representative.

The remaining phases or steps to be taken as cleanup operations will consist of cutting and stacking debris along roadways, and removing leaves and small debris based on damages incurred in the storm.

At Seacrest Services, you get more than just the best property management team for hurricane preparation in South Florida; you have the opportunity to utilize our one-stop-shopping, all-inclusive community property management. Maybe it’s time to renovate with high-impact glass, improve your flood protection preparation, or even up your landscaping game to compete on whole new level with other elite properties and associations. With Seacrest Services, you can get:

  • Top-notch property management
  • Complete maintenance and janitorial services
  • Superior accounting and bookkeeping accounts payable and receivable
  • Budget preparation
  • Outstanding community association experience
  • Commercial and residential landscape design and maintenance

Choose Seacrest Services for Quality Preparation and Property Management

All of the Seacrest Services community association managers are state-licensed and undergo Seacrest’s extensive in-house training program. Their hands-on approach provides communities with the accountability and supervision that every property deserves.

Why wait until a major hurricane is hanging out off the coast before you take action? Call in the best local community property managers! Proactive preparation and maintenance for the rest of Summer into the Fall will help avoid many troublesome scenarios. Our innovative, proactive approach to property management is what keeps Seacrest Services the leaders in our industry and allows us to provide the highest level of service to your community and association. Call Seacrest Services today!

Hiring the Best Companies to Manage Your Property

Best Property Management Companies in West Palm Beach

Seacrest Services is committed and passionate about providing unparalleled property management to your property. Whether you’re a landlord or a property investor that’s on the quest for the best property management companies in West Palm Beach, you should know you’ve found the right fit for you. Look no further, the team at Seacrest Services is here to help, and we’ll tell you how. We’re happy to contribute to the success of your property.

We’ve been working since 1996 to bring property owners in the community, outstanding property management services. Because we were cognizant about the fact that there are many other options for property management out there, we made a very conscious decision to establish the difference in the property management industry. And you ask, how did we do that? By making ourselves known as an in-house property management company. Unlike other property management companies in West Palm Beach, Seacrest Services provides access to all fundamental areas of management. What are those? They’re maintenance, management, of course, landscaping, accounting, as well as 24/7 customer service.

In each of these areas, we’ve made sure to have only the bests working for us. Whether you need us to help you with the upkeep of your property, or you need us to oversee the finances of your property, we’re ready to provide you with optimal services in each of these departments. Many of the clients we work with today, have been with us for years, and that’s because we’ve built strong connections with them, and they believe in our standard for excellence.

With our help, your property or association will get the professionalism and the knowledge it deserves. Our employees are well-versed in all areas to do with property management and they will help move your property in the right direction. We always initiate our relationships with our clients by discussing their plans for the future and their goals for their property. Offering customized strategies and services, we develop a plan and begin to work from there.

Contact Seacrest Services at (561) 697-4990 when you’re looking for reputable property management companies in West Palm Beach. Our staff will orient you and advise you on how to best contribute to your property’s success.

Why You Should Invest in Property Management

5 Reasons You Should Invest in Property Management in West Palm Beach

Managing a property, is far more complex than you may think. There are several aspects to consider. Every property owner wants to make sure that their property is moving in the right direction. In order to guarantee that, you need a property management company that possesses the years of experience and the familiarity to place your property on the path toward success. Seacrest Services, specializes in doing just that. We have the tools and resources you need to take your property to the next level. With that in mind, here are five reasons, you should invest in property management in West Palm Beach.

Reason 1 – Top-Notch Management Services:

Property Management in West Palm Beach, will be in charge of overseeing and monitoring all operations taking place in your property. Our team will handle all of the day-to-day functions with the level of professionalism and accuracy your property needs.

Reason 2- High-Quality Maintenance Services:

Seacrest Services prides itself on working with the top vendors. Over the years, we’ve built lasting relationships with the best vendors in the community, and we’d like to put them at your services. When you need to handle small reparations, and tasks within your property to ensure its functioning capabilities, our team is here to assist you. We can help you with a plethora of services, including: monthly lightbulb checks and changes, pressure cleaning, on-site handyman services, water intrusion clean-up and repair, and much more. Seacrest, also works with industry-leading contractors like Dean Mithcell Group for restorations, painting projects & much more.

Reason 3 – Honest & Reliable Accounting/Financial Services:

We’re delighted to be a full-service property management company with an entire accounting department that handles all customer accounts and that is here to service your financial necessities. Our team works with one of the most advanced property management softwares, Jenark™, which generates reports and oversees transactions and operations. One of the best things of having Seacrest Services take charge of your property management in West Palm Beach, is that customers can actually see their accounts in live time, so they know exactly what’s going on.

Reason 4 – Great Landscaping Design Services:

South Florida is home to beautiful trees and plants, and part of keeping your property pristine is making sure that these are taken care of. Our landscaping department has the best, licensed landscaping contractors that you can think of. We’ll gladly handle the upkeep of your property, and maintain your property in top conditions. Your residents and visitors will fall in love with the visuals of your residential property.

Reason 5 – 24/7 Customer Service Department:

Wouldn’t it be great if you could call your property management company at all times? And if you could just ask whatever questions you had lingering in your mind about the management of your property? Well, now you can. Seacrest Services is overjoyed to be able to provide clients with a 24/7 customer service department, so you can now call at any time on any day and someone will clear up your inquiries.

Contact Seacrest Services for Highly-Regarded Property Management in West Palm Beach

Next time you’re looking for a company that provides the best property management in West Palm Beach, contact Seacrest Services at (561) 697-4990. We’re passionate about helping your property thrive. We will work with you to bring you more and more residents and to make your property expand like you’d never thought possible.

Where to Find Experienced Property Management Companies

Experienced Property Management Companies Near Me

You’ve known that your property needs a great property management team, for a long time. However, you haven’t been able to discover that company that’s the right fit for you. Making this choice, isn’t easy. You will need to make sure that the property management team you choose is educated and trained to handle your property with the attention and care it requires. Seacrest Services specializes in providing top-notch property management services, so next time you’re looking for “property management companies near me”, we’re here for you.

Competency and great customer service are what separates one property management company from another. Seacrest Services is proud to have been working for so many years and to continue to set the standard for excellence when it comes to property management. We understand all the levels of property management and the amount of detail, planning and coordination that goes into it. In order to get your property to that stage, where it’s perfectly functioning and thriving, you need to pick the right team, a team with an understanding of your vision for your property. If you’re looking for the great “property management companies near me”, know that at Seacrest, our goal isn’t to make the property our own, instead we hope to provide you with the services and the counsel you need in order to achieve your short-term and long-term goals.

The reason we’ve been able to sustain our property management company throughout the years, it’s because we have an in-house property management company, which makes it highly convenient for clients. We offer a wide-range of services, including: management, of course, maintenance, accounting/financial and landscaping. When you’re searching for “full-service property management companies near me”, know that at Seacrest, we can help.

For instance, you’ll be pleased to know that we have a whole accounting department which uses the latest software, Jenark™ for monitoring of operations and transactions, as well as for reporting, bookkeeping and financial analysis. Our clients are also able to view their accounts in live time.

Moreover, Seacrest Services also has a customer service department that’s available 24/7. That’s right! Anytime you need us, we’re here to answer all of your questions and concerns.

Contact Seacrest Services at (561) 697-4990 when you’re looking for the best “property management companies near me.” We can put your commercial or residential property on the path toward success. Our team is delighted to assist you on your endeavor, and we look forward to working with you.

How to Find the Right Company to Manage Your Residential Properties

Finding Good Residential Property Management West Palm Beach

Getting to find the right company to manage your residential property can seem like an endless search. There are many options to choose from, however, how do you narrow down your choices. It’s important to know that the property management company you’re working with, has your best interest in mind and that they have a true understanding of what needs to be done in order to bring your residential property success. Seacrest Services is fully equipped to provide you with outstanding residential property management in West Palm Beach.

Some property owners don’t know what it entails to have a well-running and functioning residential property. Great, thorough management is definitely a piece of the puzzle. Seacrest Services has been working for years to provide members of the community with unparalleled residential property management in West Palm Beach. We’ve found it crucial to give access to clients to everything they will need in order to ensure their residential property is in a great state. That’s why we’re so proud to call ourselves an in-house property management company, which pretty much means that we provide full-service.

These are some of the fundamental areas that we cover as a part of our residential property management in West Palm Beach: maintenance, management, landscaping, & accounting. All of these departments serve as the foundation of any successful residential property. No matter in what part of the world your residential property is, you will notice that these elements are not only the ones you need to ensure your company is running properly, but that if done correctly your residential property will be set apart from the rest. Wondering what exactly all of these domains cover?

  • Maintenance Services: are comprised of all upkeep and repair services. Includes several duties such as monthly lightning checks and bulb replacements, general cleaning and washing of building exterior, water intrusion cleanup and repair, and much more. We continuously work with top-notch vendors and with industry-leading companies like Dean Mitchell for contracting jobs and projects.
  • Management Services: all operations go through management. Management oversees all other areas. The property management team monitors and controls the entire real estate property.
  • Accounting/Financial Services: we count with an entire accounting department that handles bookkeeping, financial analysis and account management services. Furthermore, our accounting team works with an advanced software specifically designed for property management purposes, Jenark™, which develops detailed reports and keeps record of operations and transactions.
  • Landscaping services: we have an entire landscaping department with licensed and certified landscapers to handle your property’s groundskeeping and to perform other maintenance duties.

Contact Seacrest Services at (561) 697-4990 for high-quality residential property management in West Palm Beach. We’re also delighted to provide you with a 24/7 customer service department and an innovative feature that lets you view your account in live time. How exciting is that?! Our team is ready to take your residential property into the future and make it the best it’s ever been.

Property Management 101: The Benefit of Landscape Design

Property Management 101: The Benefit of Landscape Design in West Palm Beach

Landscaping can often get swept under the rug when it comes to managing a property. Very few individuals are interested in making landscaping a priority. However, what many association managers and property management professionals don’t understand is that their landscaping is what keeps people coming through their front doors. Landscaping is what keeps their phones ringing with new potential residents. If you’re questioning whether or not you need to hire an expert in landscape design in West Palm Beach, here are three reasons why you should.

  1. Landscape Design in West Palm Beach Increases Property Appeal
    First and foremost, landscape design is meant for visual effects. It also subconsciously works in a property owner’s favor. By having an excellent garden, spacers, or meridians full of blooming wildlife and flowers, guests are more likely to feel safe and at home on their visit.
  2. Landscape Design is Beneficial for Renewals
    When your tenant’s contract is ready to expire, it’s up to you or your management team to ensure that they stay. One of the best ways to do this is to hire a professional landscaping company. By keeping the grounds of the property in pristine condition, your clients will have a harder time finding another location with such beautiful aesthetics. In fact, depending on your space, you can use your gardens and design as a selling point!
  3. Landscape Design Gives Your Company a Good Name
    Landscape gives your company a good name simply by being a lovely addition. When new couples or individuals are looking to move, the mere sight of neat and tidy landscaping will draw them in. It also helps you rank higher on specific websites, especially if you use high-quality imagery.

As you can see, landscape design in West Palm Beach isn’t something that should be taken lightly. At Seacrest Services, we pride ourselves on providing a multitude of services for property owners. We offer accounting services, management services, landscape design, landscape management, and maintenance services. Instead of hiring a landscaping company without any experience in associations, call Seacrest Services today at (561) 697-4990. We’re waiting to take your property from okay to great!

How Important is Quality When Hiring Landscaping Companies?

Importance of Quality Landscaping Companies in West Palm Beach for Your Property

Owning a property or an association comes with a handful of important responsibilities. It is your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly, that your tenants are happy, and that your property is stellar. While you can keep old clients happy, how do you go about bringing in new residents? Is it through marketing, word of mouth, or websites? Did you know that one of the most important ways to market your property is to invest in landscaping companies in West Palm Beach? It might have been your last guess, but landscaping has a lot to do with how potential residents see your location.

Why are Landscaping Companies in West Palm Beach Crucial to Residential Sales?

Landscaping companies provide more than just a simple service. They’re setting your property up for success. Most people judge a location within seconds, merely by the appearance of the property. If the area is rundown, tattered, or the grass is dying, how are they supposed to believe that your association is going to take care of their simple repair needs? How will they trust in your word when you say that you’re going to get something done? As a property owner, it’s quite difficult to sell to new residents if the appearance of the property isn’t doing most of the selling for you.

Landscape creates a beautiful atmosphere for residents to walk on, and it’s also a way to show your new clients that you care. With proper landscaping companies, you can ensure that you’re staying up to date on all of the latest designs, while simultaneously keeping up on the health of your gardens. At Seacrest Services, we’re proud to be a property management company that offers a plethora of unique additions. First and foremost, we’re an excellent management team in multiple areas. Whether it’s accounting, landscaping, or maintenance, we have your property covered. If your location is in need of a pick-me-up, call Seacrest Services today at (561) 697-4990. You can’t trust all of the landscaping companies in West Palm Beach, but at Seacrest Services, residential properties are our specialty.